Twitter Confirms Extending Voice Tweets Support
As seen in early June, Twitter has rolled out support to iOS clients where users can send voice tweets. While this type of feature is available in instant messengers till date, it’s new for social media platforms like Twitter. Thus, Twitter trailed with this feature initially in iOS clients. And when asked by several users on Twitter for support to Android and web, it replied as below. The company’s Twitter handle said “Next year. We’re currently working on bringing this feature to Android in 2021…Same deal – working on bringing this feature to the web next year.” While it didn’t specially mention a date of launch for other platforms, we’re hoping it would be coming by mid-2021. Also, it’s touted that the company is also working on transcription adding.
Since introducing the feature in June, we’ve taken your feedback seriously and are working to have transcription available to make voice Tweets more accessible. (1/2) — Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) September 29, 2020 Twitter may let users add transcripts to be added on their audio or video soon. These would be displayed as captions for their media. Also, other rumours tell the company is trailing with a voice-based DMs, which would allow users to send voice messages in their private chats. The company said that it has established two new teams as Accessibility Center of Excellence and the Experience Accessibility Team for reaching more users. While the former team deals with making Twitter more accessible, the latter works for producing new or fine-tuning existing products.