If something in the MCM menu is disabled, the error message stops. If there is an error in an incompatible menu file, then follow steps We highly recommend to make a backup instead of deleting it. The possibility you might be facing an internal network problem. We recommend you contact the help number + 1 (702)-687-3236. And let them assist you with this problem of networking.
Reinstall Mod
If “SkyUI Error Code 5” still exist then try this method to reinstall the SkyUI, to follow steps 1.Navigate to the NexusModManager / Mods / Skyrim 2. Choose the 60 Fps Interface Mod to render it a .zip file 3. Delete the mod 4. After, Delete and reinstall SkyUI now, 5. Also, make sure that the new version of your Skyrim Script Extender is updated. In this way you can reinstall mod and fix SKYUI Error code 5 Other Post Fix Java Error code 1603